MybodyMyworship, an education company
The Missing Sex Ed Lessons

Sex Ed for Teens

& their parents

Positive. Empowering. Pro-Life.

Are your student's LTW essays less elegant than previous writing?

Not sure how each LTW essay builds on the previous one?

Looking for Practical Processes for Writing Professional Prose?

Did you like my alliteration?

My own teens resist writing despite having a parent-teacher who is an award-winning author and writing coach. Yet once I showed them how to use the Lost Tools of Writing 1 curriculum, they wrote elegant essays.

Was my assonance adequate?

Lost Tools of Writing 1

At first, I resisted switching from IEW in the elementary years to LTW until I saw just how powerful essays 7, 8, and 9 are—far better than anything I was taught in college...

,,,and not unlike the Apostle Paul's literary masterpiece, the book of Romans.

Academos, the School of Plato

Because of my degree from a Department of Rhetoric, I know the rhetorical canon well and value building communication from the bottom up.

Not until homeschooling did I fully appreciate literary devices. Now I see literary devices in whatever I'm reading, from The Hiding Place to The Art of War to the Bible.

Rhetoric the right way!

Computer with text "Conciseness for Clarity"

With my degree in Scientific and Technical Communication, I knew how to write clearly and concisely.

Through this course, I show how to add clarity with conciseness and transition words.

Clear, concise, complete, correct, compelling!

Holy Spirit represented as a dove

As I wrote my own award-winning book, God—through His infinite wisdom—taught me how to co-write with His Holy Spirit.

He wants us to be successful, and He gives wisdom to all who ask!

How Do We improve our invention, arrangement, and elocution skills?

with the

Holy Spirit Advantage!

  • Break through writer's block with your Holy Spirit Advantage!

  • Break through writer's block with your Holy Spirit Advantage!

What Does This Program Do for You?

Power of the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit Advantage

I am in Him & He is in Me

Jesus asked, "So if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13)

Learn to co-write with God as you reason together.


Practical Processes

Elocution for LTW 1

Tools, Tips, Techniques

LTW teaches how to use the rhetorical canon to write well-reasoned essays.

This course provides explainer videos on how each essay builds on the previous one and how to complete each step.


Professional Prose

C.S. Lewis quote: "The world does not need more Christian literature. What it needs is more Christians writing good literature."

Clear, Concise, Complete, Correct, Compelling

The stories you're assigned to read have survived to today because they were well written for their audiences.

By writing essays, you not only show that you can reason well, but you learn to write clear, concise, complete, correct, compelling compositions for your current coursework and for college and for life.





Faith- and science-based course that equips adults and teenagers to delay sexual encounters so that they avoid STIs, crisis pregnancies, and challenging relationships. The course includes Bible, neurology, biology, social science, and the biblical meaning of "my body is a temple."

What XYZ Says




The Missing Sex Ed Lessons

Online Course Outline

A self-paced course completed in the privacy of your own home

God, Love & ex

God, Love & Sex

  • Who God is

  • What "love" means in Greek & English

  • Why God has rules about sex

Your Brain & Sex

Your Brain & Sex

  • Your Brain on Sex

  • Your Brain on Hookups

  • ...from neuroscience research on sex

Your Brain & Sex
Your Body & ex

Your Body & Sex

  • How Your Body Works

  • Unintended Medical Consequences [STIs & STDs]

  • Sexual Exposure Calculator

  • Contraceptives for STIs

  • Contraceptive Effectiveness to prevent pregnancy

  • Contraceptive Side Effects to Her Body

Your Psyche & Sex

Your Psyche & Sex

  • Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Effects of Abortion

  • Books (and a movie) that Tell How Abortion Affects Women & Men

  • King David, Bathsheba & Her Husband Uriah

  • Unintended Addiction to Unreal People [Sexting & Porn]

  • LGBTQ + Your Identity

Your Psyche & Sex
Your Body & Worship

Your Body & Worship

  • Worshiping God with Your Whole Body

  • God's Agape Love & Justice

photos of Cheryl Krichbaum

Cheryl Krichbaum

“God wants you to be successful!”

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Writing Coach

  • B.S. Scientific & Technical Communication, University of Minnesota

  • unfinished M.A. Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication with emphasis in instructional technology

  • instructional designer (wrote course websites)

  • wrote training and train-the-trainer manuals

  • wrote corporate e-newsletters

  • corporate clients included 3M, Ameriprise, Northwest Airlines, Federal Reserve

  • homeschool mom

  • award-winning author

  • post-abortive by my choice, now pro-life because I know personally how abortion affects our souls

  • I'm Protestant. My editor is Catholic.

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