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Abortion—Changing the Conversation equips Christians to reach the abortion-minded for life and for Christ without promoting political parties or politicians

Abuse & Coercion

Because the media focuses on women’s choice, we often forget just how influential men are on her choice.

Baby daddies are the #1 influence!

Unfortunately, that means that physically and verbally abusive men often coerce women into aborting their babies.

So on today’s episode, Arlene Lehmann, author of Healing Hidden Bruises: How to Recover from the Trauma of Domestic Abuse and Coerced Abortion, joins me to bring awareness of coerced abortions and the role of church leaders and Christian counselors in leading women to healing.

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What If We've Been Wrong? Part 2—Dr. Nathanson Disproved His Own Saying

Dr. Nathanson, once known as the Abortion King, was a driving force in the legalization of abortion. He started a saying we often hear from the pro-abortion side today, but after the Roe v Wade decision, Dr. Nathanson asked himself, "What if we've been wrong?"

This episode references Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) and Dr. Bernard Nathanson (1926-2011) and NARAL, which is now Reproductive Freedom for all.

You'll find the workshop description at

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What If We've Been Wrong Part 1—David & Bathsheba & Uriah

Aired January 15, 2025

What if we've been wrong? When we hear "David and Bathsheba," we think of a story of adultery. What if the David and Bathsheba story is less about adultery and more about how David killed an innocent life to cover up unplanned pregnancy?

2 Samuel 11 & 12:1-25 David & Bathsheba & Uriah

2 Sam 23:34, 39 Uriah & Eliam were among The Mighty Men

2 Samuel 15:12, 31 Ahithophel mutinied

1 Kings 1: 35, 43-48 David made Solomon king, not Adonijah

John 8:1-11 Woman Caught in Adultery

Leviticus 10:10, Deuteronomy 22:22 Law on adultery & premarital sex

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is useful

Psalm 51 David's prayer of repentance

Psalm 32 David's prayer of thankfulness & realization of how his choice affected him

Statistics from Care Net

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Brave Like Mary: The Greatest Unplanned Pregnancy in History

Aired December 18, 2025

Mary's faith got her through everything with help from her mentor Elizabeth. But where were Mary's parents?

Luke 1; Isaiah 7:14; Daniel 9; Deuteronomy 22:23-24; John 8:41; Luke 2:4-7, 39; Matthew 2:1, 7, 16, 13-14, 22-23

brephos Luke 1:42, 44; Luke 18:15

Paul's eyes Acts 9; Galatians 6:11, 4:14; Acts 23:1-5

Luke entering the story Acts 16:9-10Tamar Genesis 38

Rahab Joshua 2 & 6

Bathsheba 2 Samuel 11 & 12, 1 Kings 2:15

Ruth 3:1-9Ephesians 3:20

Dr. Bill Creasy of Logos Bible Study

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Tori Shaw of Not Forgotten Ministries

Aired December 4, 2025

Tori and I share a common passion to change the abortion conversation. Today, she shares her story and how to reach women for life and for Christ.

Tori's story includes revisiting the abortion facility where her baby died and having her photos taken there by Angela Forker of After the Abortion Photography Series. Hear the incredible story of darkness that still lingers in that building.

Not Forgotten Ministries leads abortion-wounded women through Bible studies that lead to healing through Christ. In 2025, Tori's husband will write the men's healing program. By His stripes, we are healed!

Invest in Not Forgotten Ministries at

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From Clay to Jewelry—VitaArt Sparks Conversations

Aired November 20, 2024

Guest Cindy Howard tells the story of how God turned a clump of clay into jewelry that sparks conversations about life in the womb.

VitaArt Jewelry (affiliate link)

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Post-Abortion Care 

Psalm 19:3-4, Genesis 2:7a, Job 10:9a, 2 Corinthians 4:7a, Isaiah 58:1

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Pro-Abortion Amendments—and looking ahead to ballot measures in 2025

Aired November 13, 2024

Eleven pro abortion state amendments were on the ballot in 10 states. But life won in only 2 of them—South Dakota and Florida. And we praise God for every victory!

But we lost in 8 states. So why did we lose?

Let's talk about why prayers go unanswered, cut through the slanted news, and consider how to take action against future pro-abortion ballot measures in states like New Jersey and Virginia in 2025.

2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 59:1-2

Post-Abortion Care:

Jewelry: (affiliate link)

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Claim Your Holy Spirit Advantage

Aired November 6, 2024

No matter who is President, we are still called to be a light in the world, so claim your Holy Spirit advantage and refuse to come down from your calling.

Matt 5:14-16, 2 Chron 20:1-20, Eph 6:10-18, Acts 16:23-26, Neh 6

Presentation first given at Niccie Kliegl's Legacy Leader Conference in 2023.

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Pray! over 10 pro-abortion ballot measures

Aired October 30, 2024

We are less than a week away from elections, and we have 10 states with pro-abortion ballot measures.

Even though some of these states are already pro-abortion states, they want to amend their state constitutions to codify abortion. That makes it more difficult for them to become a pro-life state in the future.

Other states are pro-life states, but these ballot measures, if passed, would change their state from a pro-life state into a pro-abortion state.

So let's review these ballot measures and pray for the people of each of these 10 states—Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Florida, Maryland, and New York.

Pray and vote!

National Right to Life’s summary is at

Action Victory’s summary is at

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Pray! before elections

Aired October 23, 2024

We have elections in just under two weeks, and we have a candidate who will allow most abortions but is against late-term abortions, and we have a candidate who wants no restrictions whatsoever. It's a sad state of affairs for the future of our country, for we are aborting our future.

So what are we going to do about it? Will we wait until after elections to apologize to God for going astray? What are we waiting for?

I'm wearing black today because I feel like I am in mourning.

If we want things to change, we need to vote and to pray.

Today's episode includes 2 prayers. Let's pray together.

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Sing! to break chains & open doors

Aired October 16, 2024

Sing, sing, my friends! In the last episode, we talked about the power of praise and worship before, during and after every battle (2 Chron 20:1-30). 

Today let's talk how singing praise music breaks chains and opens doors (based on Acts 16:12-34). But we also need to distinguish praise songs from other Christian music.

Worship pastor Andrew Towler will again help with this teaching.

Jackie Evancho singing “Amazing Grace” —

Jackie Evancho’s website —

Newsboys singing “I Surrender All” —

Anthem Lights singing “Holy Holy Holy” —

Anthem Lights and Selah singing “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” (Doxology) —

Anthem Lights’ YouTube channel —

Selah’s YouTube channel —

Matt Redman singing “Bless the Lord Oh My Soul” —

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How to Battle in this Spiritual War

Aired October 9, 2024

Abortion is spiritual warfare. Need a strategy for reaching women? for fundraising? for getting through political season? personal life tests?

Because all scripture is useful for teaching and training, we go to scripture for strategy on how to battle in this spiritual war.

Worship pastor Andrew Towler helps us understand English translations of Hebrew words.

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Where is Youre Hope?

Aired October 2, 2024

I hate politics, and I hate the news! But it's political season, and the United States will once again show its heart in November.

Where does former President Donald Trump and the Republican party stand on abortion? Where do we put our hope to save babies and families from the horrors of abortion?

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Pro-Choice Narrative vs Spiritual Effects of Abortions

Aired September 25, 2024

While VP Kamala Harris uses an abortion-related death from 2022 to justify abortion to birth, she and the media neglect to tell you that an average of 4.3 women died each year during the 49-year reign of Roe v Wade.

But I’ll take it further—Abortion not only kills babies, it kills the souls of the women and men who choose it. We not only lose the baby to this world, but we also lose the abundant lives God intends for all of us on earth. I provide Bible verses to show this truth.

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Defeating Roe—Boots on the Ground at the Pink House

Aired September 14, 2024

2½ months before Roe v Wade was overturned, 15 women who have experienced abortion shouted their abortion regret at the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the “Jackson” in Dobbs vs Jackson.

Hear Serena Dyksen of She Found His Grace and other women tell the story of the spiritual warfare they fought that day.

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