MybodyMyworship, an education company
Book titles: Feat and Adventures in Time

Award Winners 2021, 2022, 2023

Contest information at the bottom of this page

Classical Conversations

Challenge B

Short Stories Online Course

for students, Parent-Teachers, and Directors

Become an author with the Holy Spirit Advantage!

Book titles: Feat and Adventures in Time

Award Winners 2021, 2022, 2023

Contest information at the bottom of this page

(That's $59 total for all 15 weeks + a bonus week. I should charge $149, but this is my "give back" to the CC community in appreciation for all I've learned from CC parents over the years.)

Worried about your short story assignment?

Not sure what to write about?

Looking for Practical Processes for Writing Professional Prose?

Did you notice my alliteration?

My own teens resist writing despite having a parent-teacher who is an award-winning author and writing coach. So, I showed them how to use the rhetorical canon to complete the assignment while writing about something they enjoyed. They got it done with less stress!

Did you notice my rhyme?

I knew how to teach writing to college students, but when I began homeschooling, I had to learn how to teach my elementary student—who said he hated writing!

(The photo above is my oldest who is now 6'4" tall!)

With my degree from a Department of Rhetoric, I know the rhetorical canon and the prewriting-writing-revising process well.

While teaching college students, I excelled at teaching invention tools.

While teaching my boys, we became good at recording our ideas!

With my degree in Scientific and Technical Communication, I knew how to write clearly and concisely.

Not until homeschooling through LTW and Analogies for All of Us did I fully appreciate literary devices.

Now I see literary devices in whatever I'm reading, from The Hiding Place to The Art of War to the Bible!

But God, through His infinite wisdom, taught me as I wrote my own award-winning story how to co-write with His Holy Spirit.

He wants us to be successful, and He gives wisdom to all who ask!

How Do We Make Our Stories Compelling?

with the

Holy Spirit Advantage!

  • Recognize literary devices in the classically written short stories you're reading

  • Use writing skills you already know from IEW, LTW, and Analogies for All of Us

  • Create story plots and characters you care about

  • Break through writer's block with your Holy Spirit Advantage!

  • Recognize literary devices in the classically written short stories you're reading

  • Use writing skills you already know from IEW, LTW, and Analogies for All of Us

  • Create story plots and characters you care about

  • Break through writer's block with your Holy Spirit Advantage!

What Does this

Challenge B Short Stories

Online Course Do for You?

Power of the Holy Spirit

I am in Him & He is in Me

Jesus asked, "So if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13)

Learn to co-write with God as you collaboratively change the world for His glory.


Practical Processes

Tools, Tips, Techniques

We know the second semester of Challenge B is challenging.

But I've gathered the best writing techniques from classical writers, modern teaching, and my own experience writing an award-winning memoir.

You will begin to write confidently and to enjoy how God empowered you to write well.


Professional Prose

Clear, Concise, Compelling

The stories you're assigned to read have survived to today because they were well written for their audiences.

You, too, can write clear, concise, compelling, maybe even comedic or concerning compositions using skills you already know.






  • students (whether neurotypical or not)

  • parent-teachers

  • Directors

What? Where?

  • weekly live Zoom calls 8 pm Eastern time Tuesdays, recorded—see dates below

  • downloadables

  • links to optional content

  • checklists


  • Tuesdays 8 pm Eastern Time starting January 2, 2024

  • All videos recorded for those who can't make the live Zoom

  • If you're ahead of my schedule, watch last year's videos until we catch up to you (which is usually after President's Day—see course outline below)

Click to Play Video Below

What Students & Parents Say

Testimony from student author
Testimony from parent teacher
Testimony from parent teacher
Testimony from student author

About Mrs. Krichbaum

Cheryl Krichbaum

“God wants you to be successful!”

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Writing Coach

  • award-winning author

  • B.S. Scientific & Technical Communication, University of Minnesota Department of Rhetoric

  • unfinished M.A. Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication with emphasis in instructional technology from the same department

  • taught professional portfolios to undergraduates

  • researched writing and web design process and the rhetorical canon

  • taught Scientific Writing to college sophomores

  • taught Technical Writing to college juniors

  • wrote course websites, online-help system, corporate e-newsletters, training and train-the-trainer manuals

  • corporate clients included 3M, Ameriprise, Northwest Airlines, Federal Reserve

  • homeschool mom

  • researched teaching elementary homeschool students the writing process

  • researched teaching resistant writers

  • former Classical Conversations Challenge B Director

  • parent-teacher of sons who completed Classical Conversations Challenges A, B, 1, 2, 3

2025 Course Outline

Tuesdays at 8 pm Eastern Time

All sessions recorded & uploaded that night
Last year's recordings already in the course

Week 16

Brainstorm—January 6, 2025

  • Rhetorical Canon & Writing Process

  • Inventorying Your Books, Movies, and more

  • Working with Your Holy Spirit Advantage

Week 2

Create 5 Story Ideas—January 13, 2025

  • Turning Your Inventory into Ideas

Week 17
Week 18

Choose 1 Story Idea—January 20, 2025

  • Focusing on One Story Idea

  • Writing Your Story Description

Week 4

Focus & Story Description—January 27, 2025

  • Writing Your Story Description

  • Connecting to Mock Trial

  • Leaving Out Details

Week 19
Week 20

Setting—February 4, 2025 (Tuesday)

  • Writing Your Setting Paragraph

Week 6

Character(s)—February 10, 2025

  • Character Archetypes

  • Describing Your Main Character

Week 21
Week 22

More on Characters—February 17, 2025

(President's Day)

  • Describing Your Main Character

  • Showing a Few Details about Other Characters

  • Overview of Rest of Semester

Week 8

Plot—February 24, 2025

  • Freytag's Pyramid

  • Modern Structure

  • Plot archetypes

  • Word Processing

Week 23
Week 24

Plot Checklists—March 3, 2025

  • Plot Checklists

  • Sample Student Story

Week 10

First Draft - March 10, 2025

  • Writing Dialogue

  • Getting Your Draft Done

  • Banned Words

  • Preparing for Peer Review

Week 25
Week 26

Peer Review—March 17, 2025

  • Formatting

  • Levels of Editing

  • Asking Questions

  • Learning to Love Edits

Week 12

Dialogue—March 24, 2025

  • Punctuating Dialogue

  • Editing for American Standard English

  • Refining After Peer Review

Week 27
Week 28

Manuscript—March 31, 2025

  • Preparing Your Manuscript

  • Illustrations

  • About the Author

  • DIRECTORS: Notes on Publishing Books

  • DIRECTORS: Sample Front Matter

Week 14

Illustrations & Author—April 7, 2025

  • Image Options

  • About the Author Examples

  • Formatting in MS Word & Google Docs

  • Audio Recording Secrets

Week 29

Taking a Break to Celebrate Holy Week

Week 30

Q&A—April 21, 2025

  • Self-Publishing

  • Answering Remaining Questions

  • Mrs. Krichbaum's Secret Plan

Week 16

Q&A—April 28, 2025

  • Answering Remaining Questions

Bonus week
Contest Deadline

Writing Contest Deadline May 28, 2025

Superior Challenge B Short Stories Series

award-winners from previous years


Feat: A Select Set of Challenge B Short Stories

Amazon Exclusive

Affiliate Link: Remuneration defrays the cost of producing the book


Adventures in Time: Superior Challenge B Short Stories

Amazon Exclusive

Affiliate Link: Remuneration defrays the cost of producing the book


One Step Forward: Superior Challenge B Short Stories

Amazon Exclusive

Affiliate Link: Remuneration defrays the cost of producing the book

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