MybodyMyworship, an education company
Viable Act II screenshot with narrator Sylvia Blakely

Viable Act II

Viable Act 2

a facilitated healing experience

led by counselors, pastors, or ministry leaders


is a one-act play that stirs deep and often buried emotions

Viable Act 2

Viable Act II

is a facilitated online or in-person healing experience that helps women and men look behind their own curtains to understand how deeply Viable is already healing them and to act as a bridge to a more formal post-abortion healing class

Abortion leaves a wound that time won't heal.

Wondering how to reach some of the 20 million women and men in the U.S. who need healing from abortion but don't realize it?

Do you suspect that your parishioners or clients are angry at all men or all women because of an abortion in their own past?

Not sure how to help people recognize their need for recovery?

Realization to Restoration

As a counselor, pastor, or ministry leader, you're the hope for reaching women and men scarred by the shame and self-condemnation that often follows abortion

Viable Act II brings awareness of scars covered up for years or decades and ushers women and men into your counseling room where they can begin the healing they don't even know they need

Viable Act 2

Viable Act II

is the bridge from

Viable the play to Your Counseling Room


Audience reaction to Viable

Viable brings long hidden emotions to the surface.

After the Show

talking after the show

After the show, people share stories they may have not have otherwise shared.

That's when Creative Christian Media realized the need for a bridge from Viable to post-abortion healing and restoration.

Viable Act II

Sylvia Blakely narrating Viable Act 2

Viable Act II is that bridge. The segmented videos provide prompts that a counselor, pastor, or lay leader may use to facilitate discussion of feelings that Viable brings to the surface. Using Act II, you provide a safe place for people to talk about their feelings and begin their healing journey.

Your Counseling

Audience reaction to Viable

After Act II, women and men often seek additional healing programs or counseling.

Viable and Viable Act II are tools that you can take home to your counseling practice or your pastoral office.




with the

Holy Spirit Advantage!

  • Recognize literary devices in the classically written short stories you're reading

  • Use writing skills you already know from IEW, LTW, and Analogies for All of Us

  • Create story plots and characters you care about

  • Break through writer's block with your Holy Spirit Advantage!

Power of the Holy Spirit

I am in Him & He is in Me

Jesus asked, "So if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:13)

Learn to co-write with God as you collaboratively change the world for His glory.

Practical Processes

Tools, Tips, Techniques

We know the second semester of Challenge B is challenging.

But I've gathered the best writing techniques from classical writers, modern teaching, and my own experience writing an award-winning memoir.

You will begin to write confidently and to enjoy how God empowered you to write well.

Professional Prose

Clear, Concise, Compelling

The stories you're assigned to read have survived to today because they were well written for their audiences.

You, too, can write clear, concise, compelling, maybe even comedic or concerning compositions using skills you already know.

Trailer for Viable Act 2

Trailer for Viable Act II

Click PLAY


  • counselors

  • pastors

  • post-abortion healing leaders

  • women's ministry leaders

  • men's ministry leaders

  • couples ministry leaders

  • college and singles ministry leaders

  • life coaches


  • Viable, a one-act play, segmented to facilitate discussion

  • resources


  • preserved in a password-protected website


  • recorded for playback at your convenience

As a result of three abortions, I have been tethered to secrets, shame, and guilt for over 50 years. In 2021, I saw Viable online, and it was the catalyst to “unseal the jar” regarding my secrets—it was okay to talk about my abortion experiences. But my feelings were still trapped in my head.

A year later, I had the opportunity to be an observer in the roll out of Viable Act II. This experience “ripped the lid off.” My feelings finally connected with my head. Now my head and my heart were interfacing.

Viable was a very good start, but Viable Act II forced me to get into my feelings. It has led me to seek counseling and continue the healing process within a Christian environment.

Mary Anne

photo of Mary Anne

About Christian Creative Media and its partners

Christian Creative Media

Dr. John Hoover (Playwright/Producer/Director), Gisele Gathings (Judy), Karen Iacovelli (Christian Creative Media Chairwoman Emeritus), Dr. Tony Beam (Christian Creative Media Board Director), Kimberly Jackson (Church Counselor), and Scott Braxton (George)

Christian Creative Media

Praying, as always, before the 2023 Atlanta performance. Ricardo Davis (Georgia Right to Life President), Gisele Gathings (Judy), Kimberly Jackson (Church Counselor), Scott Braxton (George)

Christian Creative Media

Viable is a production of Christian Creative Media, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in Greenville, SC. The mission of Christian Creative Media is to provide a creative examination of contemporary social and cultural issues through the lens of a Christian worldview.

In 70 minutes with three actors and two chairs, an unforgettable and cautionary tale will unfold on stage before you—a story of heartbreak and grief. As only God can, He restores the wages of sorrow, shame, and self-condemnation through grace, unmitigated mercy, and forgiveness. He puts condemnation aside in favor of comfort and compassion for a despairing woman who has lost her child to abortion and paid a terrible emotional price.

Viable is not about the politics of abortion, the legality of abortion, or even the constitutionality of abortion. Viable presents the truth about Christ's love, healing, and redemption.

To request (1) a live performance of Viable for your church or organization, (2) licensing of your own production, (3) more information about the live play or Viable Act II, or (4) information about how to donate in support of future productions, visit

Sylvia Blakely, RN, MS, founded, a virtual post-abortion mentoring ministry, after experiencing healing and freedom from her abortion of over 40 years prior.

Sylvia and the team are passionate about coming alongside other post-abortive women and men to assist them in experiencing their own life-changing healing, to train, and to provide service opportunities for the Kingdom of God. The ministry's tools include: peer-to-peer mentoring, monthly Zoom "Refresh" gatherings, and trauma-informed pro-life art projects that build community and effect change.

Sylvia Blakely

Sylvia Blakely, RN


Sylvia Blakely, RN, MS, founded, a virtual post-abortion mentoring ministry, after experiencing healing and freedom from her abortion of over 40 years prior.

Sylvia and the team are passionate about coming alongside other post-abortive women and men to assist them in experiencing their own life-changing healing, to train, and to provide service opportunities for the Kingdom of God. The ministry's tools include: peer-to-peer mentoring, monthly Zoom "Refresh" gatherings, and trauma-informed pro-life art projects that build community and effect change.

Cheryl Krichbaum

Cheryl Krichbaum

Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Writing Coach

Cheryl Krichbaum, Founder of MybodyMyworship, is the award-winning author of ReTested: The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation. She also wrote Worship to End Abortion: Your Prayer Guide, which she is currently updating.

Cheryl equips Christ followers to compassionately reach the abortion-minded for life and for Christ through in-person and online speaking events, sex education courses, and twice-per-year prayer campaigns. She also coaches those wounded by abortion to write their memoirs to facilitate healing of this generation as well as the next and those left behind.

MybodyMyworship happily provides the learning management system used to host Viable Act II.