Below are our weekly classes

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CBC Yoga Club

Join Monty Coggins or Me

Each week we host an All Levels Yoga Flow at Cabarrus Brewery.

$10 for class and you receive a drink tix for any beverage from the CBC Bar N/A included



CBC Yoga Club

Join Me or a Sol Harmony Teacher

Each week we host an All Levels Yoga Flow at Cabarrus Brewery.

$10 for class and you receive a drink tix for any beverage from the CBC Bar N/A included



“My Soul Appreciates you so much!”

I recently had a Reiki session with Kat in St. Petersburg, FL. I wasn’t at all familiar with the purpose of Reiki or what the session entailed, but I personally trusted Kat to help me heal in ways I may not have ever had the opportunity to. That was ultimately the result I received! I may not be 100% healed of all the things that could be holding me back from my true potential, but I’m one step closer. Without this session I wouldn’t be where I am today in my healing process. Thank you so much, Kat, for your hands and for your spirit! My soul appreciates you so much!

Stephanie "Coco" Brewster Torres

Stephanie "COco" Brewster Torres

Power & Purpose


“I would Definitely do this again!”

"Reiki with Kat was quite an incredible experience, as well as a really awesome birthday gift for myself. I was lucky enough to join Kat on the Winter Solstice for a journey I'd never embarked on before. I walked into this session with an open heart, an open mind, and most importantly, no expectations. She created such a warm, inviting environment with candles and soothing music. I laid on the comfy massage table with an eye pillow over my eyes; I wanted to have my eyes closed for my experience. Kat placed crystals on all chakra points, and during the session I requested a couple more for the palms of my hands. During the entire session, I felt a sort of tingling sensation in my feet, and at some points during the session, I felt that sensation move up my legs and into other areas of my body. I felt inclined to communicate with her throughout the reiki session, and it was so fascinating! I felt as though I were flying, and I saw myself as a phoenix. I also saw my mother, who has passed away, and I spoke with her. It brought emotion up, and I let it flow. Kat was very supportive in both her physical and energetic presence. There were also times where I felt like I had to laugh, and I let it out. I also noticed that the left side of my body was really warm, and the other side was cooler. I felt Kat's presence while she cleared my chakras. I also felt where Kat said she had to clear out my solar plexus because something was stuck. I legitimately felt the exact hand motions she did over my abdomen as she cleared it, while my eyes were closed. Closer to the end, Kat was at my head and I felt as though energy/light was flowing into the bottom of my feet from the earth, through my entire body and up and out of my head. I then saw myself floating and felt the words, 'I'm ready.' It was exactly what I needed to hear, and what I should be focusing on at this present time in life. As soon as the session was over, I felt extraordinarily free, in a way I have never felt before. I sat up when I was ready. I noticed that I perspired quite a bit during the session, but it made sense given the sensations that occurred in my body. We had tea together and talked about the experience for both of us, and it was super awesome. I am so grateful for trying reiki and even more grateful that it was with my amazing friend, Kat. I would definitely do this again!"

-Heather Price

Heather DFaton


“LOve the shit out of yourself!”

Sounds too simple to be the solution, doesn’t it? Especially when we have been taught from a young age that loving ourselves is selfish and therefore, wrong.

So, we spend our days harshly judging ourselves and others. Never once questioning just how wrong that concept is.
We live life seeking a happiness and fulfillment that we can never seem to grasp. Only to discover that we cannot grasp it. It is not outside ourselves. It is within.

The last year has been a whirlwind of self discovery and change. I was at such a low point in my life. And while I have suffered true hardship I my life, this was not one of those times. It was just the first time I had to stop and truly be with myself without distraction.

From the outside looking in, my life appeared to be perfect. I had a beautiful fancy house. Every material thing i could ask for. An amazing family. Still, somehow I still felt depleted and unlovable. I was so unhappy and I felt alone. I felt ashamed and guilty for not being happy.

I asked my shrink what I should do? Do we need to up the meds? I was desperate.

She said “try meditation.”

In that moment I felt more lost and frustrated than ever. Meditate!?! How do you meditate? That is stupid. Who would I even ask?

Wait, I know who to ask. I’ll ask my friend Kat. She does yoga. Bet she knows.

And KNOW she did!!

(I don’t have the words to express the gratitude I feel towards that amazing loving soul. That is a novel for another day.)She invited me over for a session. I had no idea what I was getting into, I was just excited to hang with my friend.

That day changed EVERYTHING!

I have known Kat for years. Pretty amazing how after almost 2 decades of knowing each other, she helped introduce me to my true self.

Up to this point I only knew versions of myself. The parts I played.

I knew my packaged “customer service” version of myself. The overly nice people pleasing version. That super angry guarded version. The victimized little girl. The hard worker. The selfless giver. The mom. CC. Dog lady. And while all of these things were me. None of them were. The me I really was had not been discovered yet.

Ever wonder WHY you are the way you are?

I suppose up to that point I never took the time. Didn’t know I needed to. I did.

I discovered that essentially my entire personally was a trauma response. Yikes.

So, if that isn’t me. Who am I?

This journey gave me those answers.

Moving forward with love and compassion for myself has changed my life.

With time and work I weened off the anxiety and adhd meds I had been on for over a decade. Finally quit smoking after over 20 years. Started running in the woods with my dog. Yoga. Eating better. Drinking water. Finally taking care of myself. Because I finally knew I deserve it. I love the shit out of me. Because I’m freakin awesome. And I will treat myself as such.

While this has not been an easy journey. I assure you that it was soooo worth it.

I am a better mother. A better partner. A better friend. A better me. A much happier and healthier me. A me worth loving the shit out of. And I do.

Some days are easier than others. And it comes in layers. But I know I can handle anything that is thrown at me. Because I always have. Now that I have compassion and love for myself, I am unstoppable. And I love the shit out of that.

Christine Vlieg

Acme, Co.