Kat Harmon

Self Love Guide & Spiritual Badass

Some Back Story

Life hasn't always been this way...

From the outside you, may have never been able to notice how hard I was struggling, just to stay alive.

My life of being on stage had trained me very well to "put on a show". After about 30+ yrs. of this I began to crack. Paper thin patience. Accusing others

(in my head) of being the cause of my struggles. Self harming thoughts, Self defeating habits, and MAJOR meltdowns had become my normal life. Behind the scenes of course.

I felt so alone.

Little did I know at the time , I was holding all the cards. I had everything inside me to change my outside reality.

Once I began to see that my own perception of my life was holding me hostage, I began to play with reprogramming my thoughts. I started putting my own needs first. Which was super challenging, because it was completely foreign. This task, in the beginning, was so overwhelming, but I knew if I didn't start to actually LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF MYSELF, I was going to die.

Fast forward to present day where I have been actively applying these techniques for years. I look back at that version of me that was ready to give up...but didn't, and I couldn't be more proud! I'm so glad I started down this path! Not only do I have better relationships with others, but the relationship with myself is soooo much stronger. I listen to my body when it needs rest. I make self care a priority. I ask for help when I need support, and no longer feel shame, but rather empowered that I am so supported on this path. I can tangibly see the changes in my life, and I can't wait to see where these practices take me. It has been such an accelerated ride of healing & growth, and I am incredibly grateful!

These are just some of these reasons I do what I do. If I can help you see how incredibly amazing & valuable you are... JUST AS YOU ARE... and save you the struggle of having to figure it all out on your own. It would just about make my heart burst! My whole life all I have wanted was to help others feel good about themselves. Whether it was from being a class clown to make people smile, a performer on stage, to a drink slinger, a bar manager, a dance teacher, a yoga instructor... and all the other characters I played... I always wanted to help.

This most authentic version of me is my absolute favorite, and it's only going to get better.

Love and Gratitude


Are you looking for something to shift? Do You need SUPPORT?

Let's connect! You don't have to do it alone! I am here for you!

What We Do Here.


Self Love Guide

I encourage you to be the most authentic badass versions of yourself. Learning to implement Self Love tools, so you can Boldly & Unapologetically Love the Shit out of Yourself! Our programs are individually designed and tailored to your goals, and needs. Self Love is one of the most important things you could ever give yourself, and if you feel like it's challenging for you... let's figure out why together. Then we can make self love a reality for you!


Chakra Dance

I have always LOVED dancing! Chakra dance has brought me back into my body. Balancing the chakras with targeted, easy to follow, chakra aligning moves to high energy music. This series leaves you feeling aligned, energized, and loving the shit out of yourself. No experience required to join. Come ready to move the way YOUR body needs you to move!


Reiki/ Energy Movement

Reiki is the channeling of Universal Life Force Energy for the benefit of all involved.

In the one on one sessions I offer, we dive deep into the things that are keeping you from fully loving yourself as you are. This life is constantly giving us opportunities to see ourself clearer. So that we can begin to heal, grow, and truly live to our full potential. I love to assist in unblocking and clearing the things out of the way so you can be free of the weights holding you back from fully living. I use crystals and sound frequencies to support the energy work. I absolutely love this work, am here to support you!


Self Love Infused Yoga

Each Yoga Session I offer is deeply infused with varying techniques to connect deeper with yourself. Working with alignment, strengthening foundations & calming the nervous system The practice also supports moving, releasing, and shifting old self defeating habits. This allows you to begin to move with more clarity throughout your life. Offering you not just physical, but also mental, emotional, & energetic balance.

Are you feeling disconnected, Stressed out, or Lost?

Are You ReAdy to Free Yourself from the stuff that is weighing you down?

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