Why does Peter & Tracy work from donations?
We are modeling the Abundance Economy.
We’ve opted to only receive donations in the amounts people choose to give. We don’t charge for my sessions and we don’t recommend suggested donations.
“As you give, so shall you receive.”
Peter learned the truth of this adage the hard way by suffering through lack earlier in his life. Not only is this saying true, it’s exact. I receive exactly as I give. The attitude of gratitude I’m holding when I give is exactly equal to the joyful abundance I receive. That’s why we’re happy to offer our sessions for donations of your choosing rather than make this a business that charges you fixed or suggested amounts.
So how generous are you feeling right now? How you answer this question is a pretty good indicator of how abundant you’re feeling. If you’re not yet blissing out on the flow of abundance in your life, consider working with the Ten Tools to Abundance. They’re free.
If you get that giving is part of receiving and you’re inspired by what we offer, you can make a donation to either Peter or Tracy in four ways.
All your donations are shared by us.
Donate using:
• PayPal – This link will show up as Peter D. & Co. (Elanz)
• Venmo – @Peter-DeBenedittis or scan this QR code on your phone app
• Buy Me A Coffee giving page
• Check by Mail to:
Peter DeBenedittis or Tracy Juechter,
1919 Morris Place, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Why does Peter & Tracy
work from donations?
We are modeling the Abundance Economy.
We’ve opted to only receive donations in the amounts people choose to give. We don’t charge for my sessions and we don’t recommend suggested donations.
“As you give, so shall you receive.”
Peter learned the truth of this adage the hard way by suffering through lack earlier in his life. Not only is this saying true, it’s exact. I receive exactly as I give. The attitude of gratitude I’m holding when I give is exactly equal to the joyful abundance I receive. That’s why we’re happy to offer our sessions for donations of your choosing rather than make this a business that charges you fixed or suggested amounts.
So how generous are you feeling right now? How you answer this question is a pretty good indicator of how abundant you’re feeling. If you’re not yet blissing out on the flow of abundance in your life, consider working with the Ten Tools to Abundance. They’re free.
If you get that giving is part of receiving and you’re inspired by what we offer, you can make a donation to either Peter or Tracy in four ways.
All your donations are shared by us.
Donate using:
• PayPal – This link will show up as Peter D. & Co. (Elanz)
• Venmo – @Peter-DeBenedittis or scan this QR code on your phone app
• Buy Me A Coffee giving page
• Check by Mail to:
Peter DeBenedittis or Tracy Juechter,
1919 Morris Place, Santa Fe, NM 87505
1919 Morris Place
Sta. Fe, NM
87505 USA
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and announcements of classes
and groups sessions I’ll be conducting.
1919 Morris Place
Sta. Fe, NM
87505 USA