Hello, I am

I received a Ph.D. from Penn State in 1992. I taught media literacy for decades and authored the

Alcohol Literacy Challenge™, the world’s first evidence-based youth alcohol prevention curricula proven in 8 research studies to reduce underage and binge drinking in a single 90 minute session.

Living in Guam shortly before 1990, I began my Spiritual Growth while practicing recovery in a 12-step program. I also seriously practiced moving stuck emotional charges that were triggered in me by reading all 7 books in the Right Use of Will series by Ceanne DeRohan.

After moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1996, I studied and practiced teachings from Kryon who is channeled through Lee Carroll and Abraham who is channeled through Ester Hicks.

I took my first class in how to become a channel shortly after 2000 from Spiritualist Pastor Drew Vogt.

During the mid 2000’s I attended beginner and Blue College classes at the

Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Ramtha is channeled by JZ Knight.

In the early 2010’s I took four, month long trips to India to study at Oneness University, founded by

the avatar Sri Bhagavan. During this time I became a Oneness Trainer and was given the gift of

Awakening. Over the next several years I taught dozens of Oneness classes and organized large

Oneness Meditations that passed along the energies of Awakening to thousands of New Mexicans.

I moved in with my beloved, Tracy Juechter, and together we have have hosted a weekly mediation

circle since 2011, one that is still on-going. In 2019 this circle formed into a Group Consciousness

using the Info-Looping technique discovered by GW Hardin.

To celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age, I travelled to an event in Colorado that hosted a stop on

the 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Tour organized by a Central American shaman seeking to help unite the Eagle and Condor (the Spiritual energies of the North and the South). While there I touched a 5,000 year old crystal skull and dropped to the ground. When I came around, the skull’s keeper told me

I had received a download and that the information I received would unfold over time – which Spirit tells me is why my channeling abilities took off to new heights when I went to Egypt in 2022.

I received a Ph.D. from Penn State in 1992. I taught media literacy for decades and authored the

Alcohol Literacy Challenge™, the world’s first evidence-based youth alcohol prevention curricula proven in 8 research studies to reduce underage and binge drinking in a single 90 minute session.

Living in Guam shortly before 1990, I began my Spiritual Growth while practicing recovery in a 12-step program. I also seriously practiced moving stuck emotional charges that were triggered in me by reading all 7 books in the Right Use of Will series by Ceanne DeRohan.

After moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1996, I studied and practiced teachings from Kryon
who is channeled through Lee Carroll and Abraham who is channeled through Ester Hicks.

I took my first class in how to become a channel shortly after 2000 from Spiritualist Pastor

Drew Vogt.

During the mid 2000’s I attended beginner and Blue College classes at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Ramtha is channeled by JZ Knight.

In the early 2010’s I took four, month long trips to India to study at Oneness University, founded by the avatar Sri Bhagavan. During this time I became a Oneness Trainer and was given the gift of Awakening. Over the next several years I taught dozens of Oneness classes and organized large Oneness Meditations that passed along the energies of Awakening to thousands of New Mexicans.

I moved in with my beloved, Tracy Juechter, and together we have have hosted a weekly mediation circle since 2011, one that is still on-going. In 2019 this circle formed into a Group Consciousness using the Info-Looping technique discovered by GW Hardin.

To celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age, I travelled to an event in Colorado that hosted a stop on the 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Tour organized by a Central American shaman seeking to help unite the Eagle and Condor (the Spiritual energies of the North and the South). While there I touched a 5,000 year old crystal skull and dropped to the ground. When I came around, the skull’s keeper told me I had received a download and that the information I received would unfold over time – which Spirit tells me is why my channeling abilities took off to new heights when I went to Egypt in 2022.

Valley of the Queens, Egypt

Hello, I am

I received a Ph.D. from

Penn State in 1992.

I taught media literacy for decades and authored the

the world’s first

evidence-based youth

alcohol prevention curricula proven in 8 research studies

to reduce underage and binge drinking in a single 90 minute session.

Living in Guam shortly before 1990, I began my Spiritual Growth while practicing recovery in a 12-step program. I also seriously practiced moving stuck emotional charges that were triggered in me by reading all 7 books in the Right Use of Will series by Ceanne DeRohan.

Living in Guam shortly before 1990, I began my Spiritual Growth while practicing recovery in a 12-step program. I also seriously practiced moving stuck emotional charges that were triggered in me by reading all 7 books in the Right Use of Will series by Ceanne DeRohan.

After moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1996, I studied and practiced teachings from Kryon who is channeled through Lee Carroll and Abraham who is channeled

through Ester Hicks.

I took my first class in how to become a channel shortly after 2000 from

Spiritualist Pastor Drew Vogt.

During the mid 2000’s I attended beginner and Blue College classes at the

Ramtha School of Enlightenment.

Ramtha is channeled by JZ Knight.

In the early 2010’s I took four, month long trips to India to study at Oneness University, founded by the avatar Sri Bhagavan. During this time I became a Oneness Trainer and was given the gift of Awakening. Over the next several years I taught dozens of Oneness classes and organized large Oneness Meditations that passed along the energies of Awakening to thousands of New Mexicans.

I moved in with my beloved, Tracy Juechter, and together we have have hosted a weekly mediation circle since 2011, one that is still on-going. In 2019 this circle formed into a Group Consciousness using the Info-Looping technique discovered by GW Hardin.

To celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age, I travelled to an event in Colorado that hosted a stop on the 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Tour organized by a Central American shaman seeking to help unite the Eagle and Condor (the Spiritual energies of the North and the South). While there I touched a 5,000 year old crystal skull and dropped to the ground. When I came around, the skull’s keeper told me I had received a download and that the information I received would unfold over time – which Spirit tells me is why my channeling abilities took off to new heights when I went to Egypt in 2022.

I received a Ph.D. from Penn State in 1992. I taught media literacy for decades and authored the

Alcohol Literacy Challenge™, the world’s first evidence-based youth alcohol prevention curricula proven in 8 research studies to reduce underage and binge drinking in a single 90 minute session.

Living in Guam shortly before 1990, I began my Spiritual Growth while practicing recovery in a 12-step program. I also seriously practiced moving stuck emotional charges that were triggered in me by reading all 7 books in the Right Use of Will series by Ceanne DeRohan.

After moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1996, I studied and practiced teachings from Kryon
who is channeled through Lee Carroll and Abraham who is channeled through Ester Hicks.

I took my first class in how to become a channel shortly after 2000 from Spiritualist Pastor

Drew Vogt.

During the mid 2000’s I attended beginner and Blue College classes at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Ramtha is channeled by JZ Knight.

In the early 2010’s I took four, month long trips to India to study at Oneness University, founded by the avatar Sri Bhagavan. During this time I became a Oneness Trainer and was given the gift of Awakening. Over the next several years I taught dozens of Oneness classes and organized large Oneness Meditations that passed along the energies of Awakening to thousands of New Mexicans.

I moved in with my beloved, Tracy Juechter, and together we have have hosted a weekly mediation circle since 2011, one that is still on-going. In 2019 this circle formed into a Group Consciousness using the Info-Looping technique discovered by GW Hardin.

To celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age, I travelled to an event in Colorado that hosted a stop on the 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Tour organized by a Central American shaman seeking to help unite the Eagle and Condor (the Spiritual energies of the North and the South). While there I touched a 5,000 year old crystal skull and dropped to the ground. When I came around, the skull’s keeper told me I had received a download and that the information I received would unfold over time – which Spirit tells me is why my channeling abilities took off to new heights when I went to Egypt in 2022.

Valley of the Queens, Egypt

In 2021, I received a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy session during the time I was taking a Farsight remote viewing course that is free on YouTube. During the QHHT session, I connected with a Pleiadian Being called Mira. She told me that she was part of the Pleiadian team working with Humans who wanted to upgrade their psychic abilities and spiritual skills as part of Earth’s transition to 5D. She has since confirmed that she was connected to the group I originally connected with while at Tiwanaku. I worked with Mira while practicing channeling sessions with friends and family. Though I still occasionally speak with Mira and can connect with numerous beings of Love and Light when I channel, I’ve found that the best results for helping people grow come when asking to speak directly to the Sacred Higher Self of the person I’m conducting the session for.

In 2022, Tracy and I went on a month-long tour of sacred sites in Egypt with Lee Carroll (check out photos of this amazing adventure). My channeling abilities soared during this trip as every day I asked for and received incredible energetic downloads from the pyramids and temples we visited. Since I was with a fairly large group of people who were traveling with a world renown channel, I took the opportunity to put my abilities to the test. I wanted to see if my channeling skills would be helpful for people accustomed to hearing from a respected channel like Lee. I was both nervous and excited that I would be “coming out” amid people who had advanced spiritual and psychic abilities. While relaxing on our Nile River cruise ships in between temple visits, I began offering channeling sessions. I put my channels to the test by asking every person I channeled for if their session was “useful.” 100% agreed it was.

In 2013, while on a tour of Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca with Lee Carroll, I became aware of a portal near the Sunken Temple at Tiwanaku in Bolivia. There I established contact with a group of Pleiadians who would offer information whenever I choose to connect, though I did not at the time appreciate the magnitude of this gift and rarely used it until 2020.

In the mid 2010’s I was asked to speak about giving Oneness Deeksha (energetic blessings for awakening) at a Children of the Light conference in Denver. While there I was initiated to transmit the energy of the Wholeness Blessing that was sourced from ArchAngel Michael. It was at this conference that I met GW. I studied with GW during the late 2010’s, learning how to implement the science and math behind his discoveries of Inherent Thriving, Info-Looping, the Gatekeeper Effect, and Allowing the Experience of Essence, Radiance & Mystery though Time-Space.

I have taken a Gaia TV course and studied several books by Joe Dispenza, focusing my efforts on mediations using consciousness to manifest and create the life I desired. And I have also learned much from courses offered by Ascension Teacher Inelia Benz.

It is Amma that I resonated with, while Peter resonated with Sri Bhagavan. Six months after becoming a Oneness Blessing Giver, I realized the loving energy I felt from Amma, was the same as I felt from my Spirit Guide, who had told me her name was “Ahmah.” When I asked Amma about this, she laughed and said, “Hello- it’s about time you noticed!” I still find it miraculous to this day that she came to me during the 1980’s to form the connection that would eventually lead me to Oneness University 30 years later.

In the early 2010’s I took three, month-long trips to India to study at

Oneness University, where I became a Oneness Trainer and was given the gift of Awakening. Over the next several years I co-taught dozens of Oneness classes and helped organized large Oneness Meditations that passed along the energies of Awakening to thousands of New Mexicans with my beloved, Peter.

One process I did in India was for the ability to communicate with other species. I have felt that develop over the years. More and more wild critters feel safe getting close to me. When I held an image of what I wanted from my cats, like frequent check-ins during their free-range hours, they started coming by every hour or two.

We have hosted a weekly mediation circle since 2011, one that is still on-going. In 2019 this circle formed into a Group Consciousness using the Info-Looping technique discovered by GW Hardin.

To celebrate the dawn of the Golden Age, we travelled to an event in Colorado that hosted a stop on the

11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries. This tour was organized by a Central American shaman. Several of the Skulls took me into an altered state which lasted several days and entered my dreams every night. I felt my intuition deepen, and my guidance quickened and become more specific after that experience.

In 2013, while on a tour of Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca with Lee Carroll, I was part of a group healing for a Null located at Lake Titicaca. During this ceremony, it became clear to me that my role was to be a channel to release a LOT of negative emotional charges that needed to be released for this Null to open. I spent the entire night allowing the darkness to be released through sounds, crying, and vomiting. This trip was the opening for me to really understand how many of us, including me, had agreed to be here now to create a World that supports higher consciousness for all of Humanity by transmuting older, denser energies.

In the mid 2010’s I also attended the Children of the Light conference in Denver with Peter and was initiated to transmit the energy of the Wholeness Blessing that was sourced from Archangel Michael. It was at this conference that we met GW. We studied with GW during the late 2010’s, learning how to implement the science and math behind his discoveries of Inherent Thriving, Info-Looping, the Gatekeeper Effect, and Allowing the Experience of Essence, Radiance & Mystery though Time-Space.

In 2022, Peter and I went on a month-long tour of sacred sites in Egypt with Lee Carroll (check out photos of this amazing adventure). Each Pyramid and Sacred Temple put me in altered states, and I was especially given lots of information from Divine feminine Goddesses like Isis and Hathor.

In 2013, while on a tour of Machu Picchu & Lake Titicaca with Lee Carroll, I became aware of a portal near the Sunken Temple at Tiwanaku in Bolivia. There I established contact with a group of Pleiadians who would offer information whenever I choose to connect, though I did not at the time appreciate the magnitude of this gift and rarely used it until 2020.

In the mid 2010’s I was asked to speak about giving Oneness Deeksha (energetic blessings for awakening) at a Children of the Light conference in Denver. While there I was initiated to transmit the energy of the Wholeness Blessing that was sourced from ArchAngel Michael. It was at this conference that I met GW. I studied with GW during the late 2010’s, learning how to implement the science and math behind his discoveries of Inherent Thriving, Info-Looping, the Gatekeeper Effect, and Allowing the Experience of Essence, Radiance & Mystery though Time-Space.

I have taken a Gaia TV course and studied several books by Joe Dispenza, focusing my efforts on mediations using consciousness to manifest and create the life I desired. And I have also learned much from courses offered by Ascension Teacher Inelia Benz.

In 2021, I received a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy session during the time I was taking a Farsight remote viewing course that is free on YouTube. During the QHHT session, I connected with a Pleiadian Being called Mira. She told me that she was part of the Pleiadian team working with Humans who wanted to upgrade their psychic abilities and spiritual skills as part of Earth’s transition to 5D. She has since confirmed that she was connected to the group I originally connected with while at Tiwanaku. I worked with Mira while practicing channeling sessions with friends and family. Though I still occasionally speak with Mira and can connect with numerous beings of Love and Light when I channel, I’ve found that the best results for helping people grow come when asking to speak directly to the Sacred Higher Self of the person I’m conducting the session for.

In 2022, Tracy and I went on a month-long tour of sacred sites in Egypt with Lee Carroll (check out photos of this amazing adventure). My channeling abilities soared during this trip as every day I asked for and received incredible energetic downloads from the pyramids and temples we visited. Since I was with a fairly large group of people who were traveling with a world renown channel, I took the opportunity to put my abilities to the test. I wanted to see if my channeling skills would be helpful for people accustomed to hearing from a respected channel like Lee. I was both nervous and excited that I would be “coming out” amid people who had advanced spiritual and psychic abilities. While relaxing on our Nile River cruise ships in between temple visits, I began offering channeling sessions. I put my channels to the test by asking every person I channeled for if their session was “useful.” 100% agreed it was.

Holding the Light at the Temple of Abydos, March 2022

Upon returning home to Santa Fe, I was strongly called by my Sacred Higher Self to share my healing wisdom with the public.

Because of the confirmation I received from folks on the Egypt tour,

I couldn’t deny my abilities any more or hide behind the self-doubt and fears that I was simply making this stuff up.

And thus, becomingawesome.one was born.

Holding the Light at the Temple of Abydos, March 2022

Upon returning home to Santa Fe,

I was strongly called by my Sacred Higher Self to share my healing wisdom with the public.

Because of the confirmation I received from folks on the Egypt tour,

I couldn’t deny my abilities any more

or hide behind the self-doubt and fears

that I was simply making this stuff up.

And thus,

becomingawesome.one was born.

1919 Morris Place

Sta. Fe, NM

87505 USA

© Peter DeBenedittis 2024 | All Rights Reserved.

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1919 Morris Place

Sta. Fe, NM

87505 USA

© Peter DeBenedittis 2024 | All Rights Reserved.