My Books


The Art Of everyday Negotiation

With some people, you have to read between the lines. But not with Susie.

When you follow Susie’s proven framework, you will supercharge your negotiation skills without all the high-pressure sales tactics typically associated with the topic. Many people back down at the first sign of objection or disagreement. What they fail to realize is that these things are not so much barriers as they are obstacles which can be confidently and skillfully maneuvered. When you truly understand leverage and adopt a Negotiator Mindset™, it changes how you view the entire dynamic and empowers you to pursue what you want from your career and your life with confidence.

Susie Tomenchok

Susie’s Breakthrough Moment

Every great story has a turning point. Mine is no exception. As a top salesperson in the corporate world, I’ve worked with Fortune 50 companies including ESPN, Discovery, and Boeing, and closed deals valued at more than $80 million annually. I’ve spent most of my professional career refining my negotiation skills and techniques—but I wasn’t always like that.

I would go into meetings feeling out of my depth, nervous, and not up to the task. Dry mouth and sweaty palms were always part of the equation. All these high-powered people would look to me to close the deal, and I’d feel like an imposter. Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing: the more negotiating I did, the better I got at it. I began seeing negotiation opportunities all around me—not just at work, but in my everyday life. My true breakthrough came when I discovered that my daughters, having overhead enough client calls to pick up on the essential skills, had been using my own tactics against me!

During our regular trips to Target, they planned their approach, researched their client, and delivered their pitch at the perfect time—which often resulted in successfully closing the deal and returning home with exactly what they wanted.

The Book

In The Art of Everyday Negotiation without Manipulation, share and expand upon these same techniques to help you:

  • Understand the essential steps to take before entering into a negotiation so you are well-prepared and set up for success

  • Learn how to discover what the other party really wants so you can negotiate from a position of strength

  • Shift your mindset to see “no” as an opportunity to negotiate

  • Start advocating for yourself instead of sabotaging yourself

  • Discover how to overcome your fears, boost your confidence, and truly embrace a Negotiator Mindset™

I love when you read a book and you feel like the author wrote the book just for you and this is certainly the case for me with “The Art of Negotiation without Manipulation.” I am guilty of thinking negotiation is something you do on a “need-to-know basis”…negotiating the salary for your new job, when asking for more staff, or wanting to go to a conference. There are many articles, books, and podcasts on negotiation; “The Art of Negotiation without Manipulation” really resonated with me where others have failed. Susie gives you a nugget of information and shares a real-life story to drive home her point. She gives you a framework to practice sharpening your skills. As I read the book, I realized how much negotiation is happening around me at work that I am missing out on and how often I am negotiating with myself by delaying necessary discussions. This is a book I will read over and over again.

Jennifer Bergman


Illuminating!! Susie lays out a powerful organized cookbook of recipes for genuine partnership negotiations at all levels of business and life!! Susie has created an insightful capture of all the invisible tactics, unspoken words, and internal emotions contained within many negotiations both complex and simple. The use of silence as a tool struck me as totally underutilized in the world...

John Schanz

former Chief Network Officer, Comcast Cable

By teaching you how to identify opportunities to negotiate, Susie makes sure you do not miss chances to advocate for yourself. Instead of being a victim of circumstance, Susie provides guidance on how to own your path. This book is a must-read for those looking to incorporate negotiating tactics into their daily interactions to advance their career.

Jennifer Cassidy

Senior Vice President, Student Housing Operations

It’s time to adopt a Negotiator Mindset

The Art of Everyday Negotiation without Manipulation is a great place to start.

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