Is this you?

I've tried everything and I am discouraged.

Months pass by without a positive pregnancy test, you have tracked your ovulation, you have tested hormones, you have even taken medications to increase egg production.

Then let's talk!

I don't understand which tests I need and why.

It's time to look beyond the LH surge and look at simple genetic tests, measure your total toxic burden, assess heavy metal toxicity and gut health to clarify the problem.

Reviewing lab work is key.

Conventional options have not worked.

Your fertility specialist has ruled out major causes of infertility. You have gone the conventional route of invasive procedures and treatments and there is still no success.

There is a lot more help.

I don't understand why I can't conceive.

You have invested so much time and anguish in trying to find the cause, there are no diagnoses or clear paths forward, you feel alone in researching alternatives.

You want to take action.

This is my wheelhouse.

I have a puzzling and complicated hormonal picture.

You have been given the birth control pill, but you know there has to be something more effective and specific for you. Hormone balance is a delicate mystery to solve.

Your body is speaking, I listen.

I have one child on the autism spectrum.

You are wondering if there is something you can do before your next pregnancy that can help your future child. You or your family members have a child on the spectrum.

Being well informed is helpful.

Where do I start with supplements and diet?

The sky is the limit for all of the supplements you could be taking and the diet changes you need to make. Let's streamline and use the most specific nutrients for you and your health.

Less is more.

I am frustrated and I don't know who can help.

You have been so disappointed too many times. You are not sure who to put your trust in and you feel very vulnerable and hesitant to even have any more hope.

There is always hope.

You don't have to be confused or scared anymore.


You could understand your fertility journey from a different perspective, truly see what has been in the way and eliminate the barriers to conception?





Join this 6-month community to have personalized access to Dr. Shackelton and align with others wanting to remove obstacles to having a healthy baby.


  • Direct access to Dr. Shackelton

  • Fertility lab work review

  • Hormone health evaluation

  • Learn to avoid toxin exposure

  • Optimize sperm & egg quality

  • Analyze specific genetic variants

  • 4-week self-paced modules

  • Detoxifying protocol

  • Weekly meal plans

  • Healthy & healing recipes

  • Direction from Dr. Shackelton

  • One on one option available

  • Weekly coaching from Dr. Shackelton

  • Like minded healing community

  • Personalized strategies

  • Weekly detox recipes

  • Learn to advocate for yourself

  • Take control of your journey

The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it.


Join the exclusive Reaching Optimum Community for compassionate support, unparalleled guidance, mystery solved answers and targeted recommendations directly from Dr. Shackelton.


Click to Enroll in the Reaching Optimum Community

The Reaching Optimum Community gives you tools and specific guidance.... taking you to a healthier level of hormonal and reproductive health.

Don't go it alone.

Be with people going thru the same thing.

Find guidance, joy & support

In the Reaching Optimum Community:

  • You will have a clear path forward

  • We focus on YOUR particular needs

  • Understand which alternative treatments will work for you

  • Work competently with your fertility specialist or health care provider

  • Have a plan to remove your particular obstacles

  • Your future children have healthier neurologic development in utero

  • Your testing will make more sense and gives answers you have been looking for

  • Your health is improved in many ways as a result of understanding your obstacles and making dietary changes and cleaning up toxic burdens in your body

Hi, I am Dr. Mary Shackelton

My mission is to help where conventional medicine lacks answers.

My approach is built around the fact that we have become estranged from what is intended for our health. When women are given the diagnosis of unexplained infertility I roll up my sleeves and we get to work finding the obstacle that is not yet revealed.

It wasn’t too long into my clinical work that I saw the role of environmental exposures impacting patients health.

From fatigue and brain fog to neurologic impairments patients symptoms have been telling me for years that their health is suffering. Without an obvious diagnosis it became clear that what these patients had been exposed to in utero and throughout their lives was a big player in their current reproductive struggles.

One of the most satisfying parts of my job is seeing women get better and reaching their goals.

I have longed to bring this support to a wider audience to not only reach more people but also to help those who are in the similar struggle feel less alone in their search for answers.

I help where conventional medicine lacks answers.

Looking at deeper levels of your health will not just help you feel better, it will help find the answers you have been looking for!


  1. How to assess toxic exposure and whether that is a factor in your reproductive issues.

  2. What steps you need to learn to safely detox.

  3. Which labs tests you can ask your provider for.

  4. Whether you truly have exhausted all options for your fertility.

  5. How to detoxify your home, work environments to reduce ongoing exposures.

  6. What dietary factors enhance fertility.

  7. Whether your thyroid is working properly.

  8. Are your hormone levels truly optimal for fertility?

  9. How to open the 5 pathways of elimination for excretion of toxins.

  10. How to create a life that supports detoxification.


  • FERTILITY TRACKING: I want to give you visual and practical tools. Each member gains exclusive access to her tracking tools which can be messaged for review and coached on the weekly coaching call.

  • 12 FEATURED EXPERTS: Each month I will be bringing on a featured guest to help you with all things toxin free, health & wellness, fertility, hormone therapy and more.

  • WEEKLY COACHING: I will be live for members only. FERTILITY COACHING each week for moms wanting to conceive a healthy baby.

  • WEEKLY MEDITATION: I know the power of focus, peace, and the mind. Stress impacts fertility. I have teamed up with some excellent mindful/meditation experts who will be sharing with you each week and new meditation.

  • WEEKLY CHALLENGES: Each Thursday I will provide members one new challenge as you go week by week to start detoxifying your home and lifestyle for optimum health.

  • WEEKLY TRAINING ON DETOX & CLEANSING: Each week on Fridays I will provide new training on the five elimination pathways with key steps members can take for optimum health.

  • TOOLS FOR WELLNESS: Each week on Saturday I will post one of my favorite detox recipes, meal planning guide and a shopping list.

  • DESTRESS: Too often we overlook the power of peace, each Sunday we take a look at all we've done over the week to reach optimal health for ourself and family. Sundays we slow down, reduce stress, and find soulful connections with ourselves and our families and friends.

With EVERYTHING You'll Learn


  • Advocate for yourself to get certain tests ordered with your doctor.

  • Make important changes to your diet, life and home that support healthy conception.

  • Make leaps with your health by lowering your total toxic burden.

  • Improve your nutrients and hormones to enhance fertility.

  • Use your test findings to make specific changes to regulate hormonal health and ovulation.


  • Women who have tried everything to get pregnant.

  • Those who have unexplained infertility.

  • Those who can't find the right person to guide them.

  • Those who conventional treatments have failed or who are looking for an alternative to conventional recommendations.

  • Those who have a family member or child on the autism spectrum.

Materials on this website are provided for informational or educational purposes only, and are not intended as a substitute for the advice of your physician or healthcare professional.
Always consult with your physician or healthcare professional before embarking on any options offered here on this website.