Are you sick and tired of being in pain?

Learn how to finally heal your body so you can enjoy your life!

Are you overwhelmed by your life’s responsibilities, duties, pressure to perform at work and at home or to fit into society’s box?

Do you feel frustrated because you don't have the time, the energy, or the money to take care of yourself? 

I hear you because I was you. 

It’s not your fault. 

Maybe no one ever taught you how to prioritize your needs. 

Your body is like a locker: 

it unconsciously stores away thoughts 

and emotions that contribute to chronic pain.

You already know, chronic pain and illness affect your relationships and your ability to work and provide for your family.  

What you might not know is that 

chronic pain cycles also get passed down 

to future generations.

Imagine if you could heal your body NATURALLY. 

Just imagine what life would be like without 



stress and 


We have discovered a revolutionary process to do exactly that! 

Now you CAN 

heal your BODY, 

your MIND, and 

your LIFE using 

Integrative MindBody Coaching.

I’m Monique Arnaud-Derouen, 

THE MindBody Coach.

I learned about Integrative MindBody Coaching as the client – yes, I healed my chronic pain, fatigue, stress and anxiety.

And then I trained as a coach and practitioner so I could help others just like you heal their lives too. 

I'm a certified...

  • TMS practitioner
  • Somatic Experience International practitioner (trauma therapy)
  • ​Integrative MindBody Coach
  • Crainiosacral Therapist (nervous system regulation)
  • Licensed Massage Therapist

My specialty...

I’ve combined all of experiences and my trainings to help hundreds of clients heal their chronic pain and fatigue, and now I want to help you, too. 

With my understanding of the mindbody connection, I'll help you become personally empowered to heal yourself. 

I work with clients exclusively inside Self Healing Masters 

- an online coaching community for mindbody healing, 

personal development, and community.

Self Healing Masters was founded by my coach and mentor 

Kim Guillory, and now I serve clients there. 

In Self Healing Masters, 

we do the inner work 

to change the outer world! 

Learn how to heal your health, wealth, and relationships.

What's included in Self Healing Masters:

Weekly group coaching and 24-hour access to a coach to uncover what is keeping you in pain so that you can understand and change it.

Online courses in mind management, emotional processing and regulation and more so you can understand self healing and self reliance. 

Supportive community of others who are doing this self healing work with you so you feel connected, heard, and understood as you heal and grow. 

Healing your pain takes time because we don’t just cover up the symptoms, we actually find the root cause of your pain and help you heal it. 

That’s why you’re inside Self Healing Masters for a whole year of support.

What members are saying...

"I lost 67 pounds and have no pain!" Amanda T

"I still am in awe of living life anxiety and pain free! It took me two years of the work to get to this point and I still have to pinch myself to make sure it’s real! To sit here with my kids with a calm regulated nervous system and feeling good is just incredible! Thank you to The PUNCH-LINE Approach and the coaches ! THIS is living. 🤩" Christina P

"This is THE most powerful coaching!" Sasha H

"I’m teaching my child this work so we don’t repeat generational pain!" Ariel M

"I trust myself." Devany B

You can’t afford to stay in pain any longer.

It costs so much more to remain in pain than it does to invest in yourself and your healing. 

We're so certain that you'll transform your life in Self Healing Masters that we offer a 14-day money back guarantee.

Are you ready to finally heal your body and enjoy your life?

Copyright Kim Guillory Coaching 2023. All rights reserved. 

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