are you ready

to write the book inside of you?

Join the

WRITE UR BOOK Challenge!

Opens on

January 22-26, 2024

Everything you need to know to


Build your confidence, speed up your authorship journey and write a book that will leave a legacy!

Make up your mind. The rest is up to you!

Join us and change your life forever!.

Fill out the form below to join the waitlist!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is this challenge for?

  • Anyone, young or old, can learn the basic skills to write a book.

  • You don't need to be a professional writer, just have an open mind and a desire to learn.

Is this challenge for me?

  • If you have thought about writing, here's your chance to turn that dream into a reality.

  • If you have never thought about it, give it a try! You never know what you will discover!

Why would I write a book?

  • Deep down, you've got a story waiting to be shared with the world.

  • Writing can inspire not just you but also those around you.

What will I get out of this challenge?

  • You can make your dream of becoming a published author a reality.

  • Even if you never make your book public, you can write a book as a personal tribute to family and friends!

Embark on a journey that will transport both you and your readers to new adventures.

Stay tuned for the "WRITE UR BOOK Challenge" and unlock your inner author!

Get ready to embark on an amazing writing adventure.

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