
Fountain of Youth Elixir

This is an elixir for long life and happiness.

It prevents aging and diseases.

Promotes medha (intelect), smrti (memory), dhana (wealth).

PRICE: $69 2oz

Ingredient #1


Provides support and nutrition to the digestive tract, inner and outer skin, arteries, and liver.

The healing properties of Amalaki extend to all tissues. It also has the ability to increase Ojas, meaning that it enhances energy, immunity, and fertility.

Strong natural antioxidant containing highest known concentrations of vitamin C in the plant kingdom. That’s one of the reasons why it such a powerful immune strengthener.

Calms the mind and emotions

Chest, lungs, respiratory system (cold, cough, sore throat)



Enhance longevity

Excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as iron, calcium, and dietary fiber

Fosters thick, healthy hair




Maintains healthy blood sugar levels

Nourishes the heart and respiratory system (high cholesterol)

Strengthens the bones, teeth, and nails

Supports healthy digestive tract and promotes proper elimination (constipation, inflammation in GI tract, indigestion)

Urinary Tract Infections

Ingredient #2


Supports a healthy immune system

Calms mental processes

Fosters healthy sleep patterns

Benefits a healthy reproductive system in both males and females

Sharpens focus and memory

Supports sustained energy levels, strength, and vitality, including with physical activity

Supports a healthy back and joints

Supports healthy muscles

Promotes thyroid health

Promotes healthy functioning of the adrenals

Ingredient #3


Adaptogenic - Meaning that it supports the body’s reaction to internal and external stressors

Has a powerful affinity for the circulatory, digestive, and nervous systems, as well as the lymph, blood, nervous tissue, and urinary tract

Strengthens memory and intellect, supporting focus and concentration while encouraging a balanced emotional state

Promotes energy in the daytime while supporting sound, restful sleep at night

Promotes Healthy Hair and Radiant Skin

Promotes healthy joints

Ingredient #4


Antioxidant properties - gokshura antioxidants may help prevent damage to cells of the kidney, heart, liver, and brain 

Boost libido

Chronic coughing, asthma

Erectile dysfunction 

Improve exercise performance and recovery and increase muscle mass


Kidney diseases, stones

Lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure

Urinary tract disorders, pain in bladder

Women’s health - menopausal symptoms, PCOS, suppresses growth and spread of tumor cells

Ingredient #5




Boosts immune function

Calms nervous system



Promotes joint comfort

Promotes reproductive health: It clears excess heat from the reproductive system while toning and rejuvenating the reproductive tissues. 

Regulates metabolism and blood-sugar levels

Soothes irritated skin

Strengthens and stimulates digestion while helping balance intestinal flora

Supports liver health

Ingredient #6


Gently removes accumulated natural toxins in the gastrointestinal tract

High in vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, amino acids, flavonoids, antioxidants

Maintains regular elimination

Promote healthy body mass

Strengthens and nourishes the tissues and supports the proper function of the colon, lungs, liver, and spleen

Supports digestion

Ingredient #7


- Balya (strength promoting)

- Vayah sthapana (anti-aging)

- Stanyajanana (increasing breast milk)

- Prajasthapana (healthy pregnancy)

- Atharva jana (adaptogenic)

- Daha hara (soothes and supports the digestive tract)

- Shoolaghna (relieves constipation, ulcers, and chronic diarrhea)

- Netrya (supports respiratory system - dry cough, sore throat)

- Hridya (calms & restores nervous system)

- Agni mandya (maintains stable blood sugar levels)

- Udara shoola (diuretic, prevents kidney stones)

- Kasa hara (helps relieve cough)

- Shwasa (supports respiratory system)

- Arsha (treats dry, irritated skin)

- Krimi (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory)

- Helps stabilize a woman’s body and emotions throughout her moon or menstrual cycle

- Increases shukra or semen production

- Relieves constipation, ulcers, and chronic diarrhea

- Contains naturally-occurring antioxidants

- Helps prevent miscarriage

- Supports immune system

- May help stabilize mood and alleviate symptoms of depression

- Acts as a demulcent, bringing moisture to dry and inflamed membranes

- Phytoestrogens may reduce hot flashes and stabilize mood

- Beneficial for osteoporosis prevention.

Ingredient #8


Improves Stamina and memory

Detoxes your body from heavy metals & free radicals

Encourages healthy aging

Promotes testosterone level

Promotes metabolism

May help with diabetes



Aches & pains

Muscle building

Sexual disorders (premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, decreased hardness, decreased mood, damaged sperms, low sperm count)


UTI/difficulty urinating, Urinary calculi


Skin diseases


Depleted body tissues



Bladder pain

Obesity/weight loss



Also known to be effective in reducing alcohol withdrawal

Ingredient #9


Tulsi has many benefits for the body, mind, and spirit, offering support on both physical and subtle levels

Adaptogenic - helps the body cope with stress, promotes mental clarity, and supports rejuvenation

Supports lung health

Promotes healthy circulation & heart

Weight Management

Ingredient #10


Allergic disorders, asthma, emphysema

Antiviral And Antibacterial


Antibiotic - accelerates the healing of the stomach lining

Alleviates Menopause Problems and menstrual cramps 


Helps Treat Respiratory Problems (Coughs, colds, and other bronchial irritations, asthma, expel mucus)

Helps in Weight Loss

Promotes healthy digestion - heartburn, gastric ulcer, stomach distress, bloating, indigestion, acidity, constipation 

Skin Problems (eczema, skin rashes, psoriasis, and itchy and dry skin)