Battle Plan

with Steve Hemphill

The Sweet Spot Life Podcast

I am His and He is Mine with Lesley Mazzotta

November 01, 20161 min read
The first Part of Awaking the Living Legacy is all about learning to allow yourself to really be claimed by God. Where you partner with Him and you know that you are His and he is Yours. A big part of knowing this is by looking back and seeing all the ways He has worked in your life. We sometimes don't even recognize just how much He moves in us. Hearing the stories of others and how God works in others lives is equally as important- it helps us gain confidence and trust in His love for others -just as He loves us. Listen to Lesley's firm believes on her faith, and how she continues to live and work her faith. What a blessing it was to tap into all of her experience and insight! Thanks Leslie

A FREE MONTH OF THE LEGACY LEADER COMMUNITY. We’d love to have you join us!

That’s going to do it for this episode of Living Within the Sweet Spot

Hope this episode gives you a way to keep up with life’s changes, enjoy all my free resources for help HERE

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Niccie Kliegl CLC, RN

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