Spiritual Warfare, Heaven, and the Power of Prayer

Spiritual Warfare, Heaven, and the Power of Prayer

The Active Faith Team

We educate people on the power of the word of God,

to reveal the strategies of the enemies of God,

to unveil the spiritual weapons from God,

to give hope to the people of God,

all for the glory of God.

Providing education, training & support about Heaven & Spiritual Warfare around the globe.

It’s just a plastic tent stake – but with the Word of God it becomes a powerful weapon.

Take an active step in your battle and stake the borders of your property or community and government buildings in your area. This act faithfully calls out for God to bless the land and rescue His people. And it is a declaration that the land was created by Him, still belongs to Him, and exists for His purposes today.

This activation of faith for a Christian is like that of the Jews in Deuteronomy 6:8-9.

What Are The Stakes?

God Markers on the Land

Steve’s journey learning about spiritual warfare got serious when a non-Christian man came to him with a problem: he said he had demons on his property. Steve didn’t know how to respond, so he silently prayed as the man talked. After the quick prayer, Steve had a strange verse pop into his head from Deuteronomy 6 that instructed God’s people to put Scripture on their gates and doorposts. So Steve & this non-Christian man who was desperate for help put Bible verses on ordinary tent stakes. Then they placed these stakes in the ground on the corners of this man’s property, read the verses out loud, and prayed for God’s protection. Everything changed. The man confessed Jesus as Lord, was baptized, and is now living faithfully in peace and safety as a Christian. Others heard about this event and copied this idea, and Spiritual Warfare Stakes became a tool of faith spreading across the globe.

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ignitE your faith & stake your Claim

Active-Faith Online Courses

Active-Faith provides different growth opportunities for the body of Christ.

  • Demons vs Prayer | How can you fight what you can’t see? This free seminar takes us into the authority of the Word of God and how we can execute it with precision to fight an unseen enemy.

  • The Real Heaven | This seminar is all about Heaven and what the Bible says about our eternal life. You will have myths dispelled and new truths revealed about the ultimate goal for every believer -- HEAVEN!

  • Prayers Satan Hates | This small group study is designed with a guide in alignment with My Search for Prayers Satan Hates. Our goal is to spur conversation on the topic of Spiritual Warfare. A free, downloadable pdf transcript of each video is available below for free under Handouts.

  • Soul Wound Healing |This seminar is designed to complete one-on-one or with a group. It addresses the soul, how the soul is wounded, and how to heal the wounds.

Bring Steve Hemphill to Your Event

Conferences, Workshops, and Private Events

Steve is a passionate speaker, teacher, and author. He has a 6 lesson series on spiritual warfare called, “Demons vs Prayer,” that goes from Sunday morning to Wednesday night, and includes Bible class & worship on Sunday morning. He also has a series called “All About Heaven” that fills the same time frame. BOTH of these are EXCELLENT outreach topics to bring in visitors from the community AND encourage your local congregation.

He also does marriage retreats called, “Does your marriage have a prayer?”, and mens’ retreats called, “Growing into Spiritual Manhood.” Steve also speaks to many youth groups, ladies gatherings, and mission Sunday presentations. Finally, he has a terrific lesson to help elevate your contribution called, “Living and Giving in Light of Eternity.” Steve would be HONORED to be invited to speak for your group, church, or organization.

Topics include:

  • Spiritual Warfare

  • Heaven

  • Prayer

  • Marriage

  • Manhood

Bring DR. CHARLI to Your Event

Conferences, Workshops, and Private Events

Dr. Charli is a passionate coach, speaker, teacher, and author. She has a
6-lesson series on inner healing called, “The Soul Wound Seminar,” that goes from Sunday night to Wednesday night (or 4 sessions). She also has a series on joy called “Joy is My Superpower” that fills the same time frame.

In addition, Dr. Charli teaches on Soul Ties and Soul Maintenance, as well as identity in Christ -- all of which are critical for healthy Christian living. She brings transparency, humor, and simplicity to each series.

Dr.Charli would be HONORED to be invited to speak for your group, church, or organization.

Topics include:

  • Soul Wounds/Inner Healing

  • Soul Ties

  • Joy

  • Identity in Christ

  • Spiritual Warfare

Battle Plan with Steve HEmphill

Sweetspot Business Podcast

Are You Putting God First in Every Part of Your Day? with Elizabeth Payne

August 24, 20242 min read
Featured Guest: Elizabeth Payne, watch on YouTube

A woman with a passion for helping others live and grow in grace, an author and pastor, a makeup enthusiast, a loving wife, and a mom of two—that is our featured guest in today’s episode. Let’s welcome Pastor Elizabeth Payne!

She dedicates her life to sharing the love of Christ with others and helping them discover their unique God-given purpose. Elizabeth has a special love for vulnerable children and dreams of opening an orphanage in the Caribbean.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Leadership from Oral Roberts University. Elizabeth uses her formal education and experiential knowledge of living in God’s presence to help others realize they were created by God with a purpose and for a purpose.

Visit Elizabeth's pages to learn more about the work she does: https://linktr.ee/pastorpayne

Be sure to subscribe to Elizabeth's page at https://linktr.ee/pastorpayne
Go and follow Elizabeth on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/pastor_elizabethpayne/

"… we must seek his help, so it says in Matthew 6:33 that to seek the Kingdom above all else."

"What I like to do is, I like to invite God into everything that I'm doing and like I said before, I'm a wife, a mother, and a pastor, so anything that I am involved in, I ask God to help me. Help me to be the wife that He's called me to be, help me to be the mother that He's called me to be, help me to do the laundry, help me to do the dishes, all those things in my life, I ask God to be first and to help me, so I invite Him."

"… even when people do come to me and ask me questions or to counsel them, Lord, help me because I don't know what to say or what to do, You know. I am not God so I need God's help first."

"We need to be mindful of each and every word that we say because it has the power of life or the power of death, and so it's really important to be speaking life into our lives and everything that we're involved in."

Here are Elizabeth's 3 valuable keywords:

  1. Make a commitment to put God first in everything

  2. Declare God's word over our life and everything that concerns us

  3. Journaling and having quiet time with God

"And remember…Don’t Miss the Call! You’ve been born with a purpose for a purpose! I’m cheering you on to live your best life in Christ!" Elizabeth

Niccie Kliegl and Legacy Leaders

information you need to enroll!​ To access many free resources click HERE .
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faith-based life coachfaith-based business coachauthorSpeakerelizabethpaynepastormake-up enthusiast
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